

It's time to have a break shooting some pics to one of my favorite subject: some Japanese candies recived months ago which I don't dare taste not to ruin this amazing composition.
....And it's all about sugar. Can you belive it?

For more pics click here


Air Vase

It's been months since on the top of my list of the things I strongly desire for my new-future-home there is at least an Air Vase. Torafu Architects, a Tokyo-based design studio, makes me want it because of the fluorescent colors I always adore. Ok, sometimes a way too much I suppose...
It's not becuase I like flowers (I don't, actually), just because they are the essence of Japanese minimalism, and I feel like my ideal home is growing up in that way, day by day, in my mind.


In my shoes

Japanese geta and zōri are the exactly counterpart of Western shoes and heels. Never enough.
Let's feast our eyes on these inspiring pics from Ronald Sarayude found on Flickr these days by chance.



Mineko Iwasaki

Just an unconventional post to mention Mineko Iwasaki, Japan's number one geiko of her time. I've just finished reading her precious book, Geisha, a Life trying to figure out how was a geisha's life at that time comparing it to Arthur Golden's book vision. Not understanding so much, actually.
Whatever... Mineko is perfection. That's the point.


メイク イット イッジー

I've recently found a great blog and tumblr from Aron, a guy who loves "simple things. neutral colours. sunlit rooms. japanese aesthetics. plants and cats"... and Instagram as well.
Nice, ね?

Check his Pinterest too!


Fifi about fashion

I don't like to talk about fashion, but I can't overlook Japanese one and not to mention its major fashion designers ever. Fifi Lapin comes to help me in such a good way!
In order:  Commes de Garcon, Issey Miyake, Junya Watanabe.

(click on the pics to the direct link)