
Iki, The Art Of Seduction

On Friday night I went to the opening of a pretty exposition in Pordenone. It took place in a concept store, Être, a place you immediately feel comfortable in it. There, Magda Di Siena presented a small collection of pictures portrayed young geisha from the early 50s. The "postcards" were found at an antiquary shop based in Tokyo coming from a private collection of an Okiya, the geisha house.

What a perfect occasion to hear and discuss together starting from the "Structure of the Iki", a well-known work by Shūzō Kuki, one of the most prominent Japanese philosopher of his times.
いき means "seduction", the first art a geisha has to learn.

Knowing Iki is perceiving the fragrance of an entire culture. And maybe it helps us knowing how much 'being' is important for another life. (Shūzō Kuki)

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